Friday, June 21, 2019

So the problem with writing a memoir is there's always some new development that needs to be dealt with.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

First rejection from the long list of agents I compiled, that's out of the way now.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

First query sent for the memoir. It went to a small press publisher. I have a long list of agents to contact as well. This is the hard part, the self-promotion, although I'm pretty good at doing it for my artwork.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The memoir is done and being read for typos. The challenge now is to number the pages of an existing document on a Mac. It appears the only way is to copy the 28 chapters into a new blank book and number them in one chunk. But what about the Appendix section, which is about 60 pages? Do I include them with the text? Don't them get roman numerals? Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I'm back. Been working on a memoir. I was almost finished, then there were a couple major developments and I had to wait to see how they turned out. After that, I basically had to rewrite big chunks of the book. But now it's done. It has an open ending so anything that happens later can be added by an editor as a footnote. Being proofed for typos now. Typed up a synopsis this morning after writing it four times by hand. Query letter is rolling around in my head. Have a lead on a small publisher, should I contact them first or the agent who showed an interest back when I started the book two years ago?